Hundreds of Bay Area residents celebrated Independence Day remembering and thanking a group of veterans who served their country during the war. Seven veterans who live at Stoneridge Creek received handmade quilts created by their neighbors and local charitable...
A group of Stoneridge Creek residents is exploring their theatrical side as they portray some of the most well-known film and fashion icons in history. Frank Sinatra, Liza Minelli, Charlie Chaplin, and others came to life at Stoneridge Creek during a two-day...
On Thursday, April 22, Stoneridge Creek residents celebrated Earth Day with a fun event in one of the large gardens. As you take in the views along the walking trails at Stoneridge Creek, you’ll notice the 46-acre Pleasanton senior living community is full of lush...
For the first time in nearly a year, Stoneridge Creek residents gathered in larger groups to enjoy live music. The St. Patrick’s Day celebration was the first large event to take place at the community since the pandemic began. Stoneridge Creek has been able to start...
Love was in the air this past Valentine’s Day for residents of Stoneridge Creek. The community celebrated the lovers’ holiday with flower grams. Residents wrote love letters to their secret admirers or notes of well-wishes to their friends and neighbors. Each letter...