
Stoneridge Creek Residents Selected to Take “Dream Flights”

Some of Al Baer’s greatest adventures started with him hopping inside the cockpit of a plane and taking off into the skies above. Back in the ’60s, Baer was a captain in the United States Air Force, flying 35 missions in Vietnam. Back then he was flying a Douglas...

Stoneridge Creek Residents Join March for Our Lives Movement

Generations of people are coming together to help end gun violence. In March 2018, a group of Stoneridge Creek residents joined the March for Our Lives movement in Livermore. It was one of the “sibling marches” planned worldwide in conjunction with the March for Our...

Veterans Remembered in Ceremony in Pleasanton

One by one, Stoneridge Creek residents stood and read the words their neighbors had written. “It is the veteran not the preacher who has given us freedom of religion,” one resident read. “It is the veteran not the reporter who has given us freedom of the press. It is...